Transaction Name:
Can this task be performed in a sessionless environment?
This task can be used in a sessioned or sessionless environment. See Additional Information for further details.
Are the request and response identical on both the Apollo and Galileo systems?
List any industry-specific knowledge required to understand this task in terms of the specific business process.
Knowledge of ticketing and pricing is required to understand this task.
Explain any special limits or distinct restrictions to the input data that may not be readily apparent.
There are no special limitations.
Unless otherwise specified, use ALL CAPS in any request data.
The <EticketRetrievalMods> (4090 1.0) is used to request retrieval of an E-Ticket. The <TicketNumber> tag is sent with the ticket number to retrieve the PNR.
The <ETKTRetrieval> (DPRU) is an optional tag to request indicators for baggage charges.
Note: The <PNRRetrieveMods> may be used to 'unpack' the Booking File first on the Galileo CRS to retrieve OB fee information. In this case, the <PNRRetrieveMods> should always be first.
Prerequisite tasks:
In order to display an electronic ticket, the AAA must be initialized to the PCC of the issuing agency.
Note: The <PNRRetrieveMods> may be used to 'unpack' the Booking File first on the Galileo CRS to retrieve OB fee information. In this case, the <PNRRetrieveMods> should always be first.
Expected response:
If the E-Ticket Retrieval transaction completes successfully, the <ETicketNum>, <AssocPsgrs>, <AirSegInfo>, <FareConstruction>, <PsgrFacilityCharge>, <GenQuoteDetails>, <PassengerInfo>, <OriginationData>, <Commission>, <FreeText>, and <CreditCardFOP>/<CheckFOP>/<OtherFOP> tags are returned with the original E-Ticket data.
For Exchange Tickets:
If an exchanged ticket was retrieved, then <ExchangeTicket> is returned as well with the original ticket number.
If multiple exchanges exist, two <ExchangeTicket> elements are returned: First with the Original ticket number, second with the Exchanged (previous) ticket number.
For OB Fees:
On the Galileo CRS, if OB fees were used to issue ticket, the <OBFees> element is returned with OB fees information.
For Exchanges, the OB fee information is returned for the Original ticket only.
Error and warning responses:
If the E-Ticket Retrieval transaction encounters an error, the error message is returned in the <ErrText> tag. The following error messages may be received:
501: Failure. Convert KLR to XML. OSTPFA
503: Failure. Convert XML to KLR. OSTPFA
600: Failure. General Error. OSWS
601: Failure. Invalid Service Request. OSWS
602: Failure. Input Transcoder conversion. OSWS
603: Failure. Output Transcoder conversion. OSWS
700: Failure. General Error. OSV
708: Failure. No Ticket Fare Construction. OSV
713: Failure. Fare quote acceptance time has expired. OSV
714: Failure. Unable to locate prior transaction. OSV
800: Failure. General Error. OSNI
801: Failure. Input Transcoder conversion. OSNI
802: Failure. Send to vendor (1N) error. OSNI
803: Failure. Receive from vendor (1N) error. OSNI
804: Failure. Output Transcoder conversion. OSNI
1000: Failure. General Error. 1N
1001: Failure. Invalid input data. 1N7
1004: Failure. This ticket is out of date. 1N
1015: Failure. Ticket fully used. 1N
1019: Failure. New-Old match exactly. No exchange. 1N
0: Informational. Upgraded Fare. 1N
1024: Failure. Ticket is Unknown. 1N
1025: Failure. Ticket is voided. 1N
1100: Failure. Input Transcoder conversion. OSHAS
1101: Failure. Unable to connect to host access servers. OSHAS
1102: Failure. Error returned from host access servers. OSHAS
1103: Failure. Output Transcoder conversion. OSHAS
1200: Failure. General Error. OSDS
1201: Failure. Database connection error. OSDS
1202: Failure. Reference data not available. OSDS
1205: Failure. Unable to read transaction. OSDS
Follow-on requests:
No follow-on requests exist.
<PNRRetrieveMods> | Terminal Equivalents: | Apollo: _*123ABC____ | Galileo: _*123ABC____ |
Ordering | KLR | Min/Max | XML Tag |
A | BP02 | 1-1 | <PNRAddr> |
B | BP06 | 0-1 | <RequiredData> |
<EticketRetrievalMods> | Terminal Equivalents: | Apollo: *TE/ticketnumber | Galileo: *TE/ticketnumber |
Ordering | KLR | Min/Max | XML Tag |
Required | DPT1 | 1-1 | <TicketNumber> |
Optional | DPRU | 0-1 | <ETKTRetrieval> |
<PNRBFRetrieve> |
If PNRRetrieveMods option is used in the request |
Ordering |
Min/Max |
XML Tag |
A |
1 1 |
<Control> |
B |
BP07 |
0 1 |
<HeaderLine> |
C |
BP08 |
0 1 |
<GenPNRInfo> |
D |
BP09 |
0 1 |
<PostScript> |
E |
BP10 |
0 99 |
<LNameInfo> |
F |
BP12 |
0 99 |
<FNameInfo> |
G |
BP14 |
0 99 |
<FreqCustInfo> |
H |
BP16 |
0 99 |
<PhoneInfo> |
I |
BP32 |
0 1 |
<TkArrangement> |
I |
BP33 |
0 1 |
<TAUTkArrangement> |
I |
BP34 |
0 1 |
<TAWTkArrangement> |
I |
BP35 |
0 1 |
<TLTkArrangement> |
I |
BP36 |
0 1 |
<TAMTkArrangement> |
J |
DPP0 |
0 1 |
<CreditCardFOP> |
J |
DPP1 |
0 1 |
<CheckFOP> |
J |
DPP9 |
0 1 |
<OtherFOP> |
K |
BP17 |
0 1 |
<AddrInfo> |
L |
BP18 |
0 1 |
<DeliveryAddrInfo> |
M |
IT01 |
0 99 |
<AirSeg> |
M |
IT02 |
0 99 |
<AirSegOpAirV> |
M |
IT16 |
0 99 |
<AirSegDetail> |
M |
IT13 |
0 99 |
<ARNK> |
M |
IT03 |
0 99 |
<HtlSeg> |
M |
IT04 |
0 99 |
HtlSegOptFlds> |
M |
IT05 |
0 99 |
<CarSeg> |
M |
IT06 |
0 99 |
<CarSegOptFlds> |
M |
IT07 |
0 99 |
<NonAirSeg> |
M |
IT08 |
0 99 |
<OpenAirSeg> |
M |
IT09 |
0 99 |
<DuePaidInfo> (Galileo core only) |
M |
IT10 |
0 99 |
<FlygTaxiSeg> (Galileo core only) |
M |
IT11 |
0 99 |
<TourSeg> |
M |
IT12 |
0 99 |
<CruiseSeg> |
M |
IT14 |
0 99 |
<TrainSeg> |
N |
DPR1 |
0 99 |
<ItinRmk> |
O |
DPR1 |
0 99 |
<ItinRmk> |
P |
ST01 |
0 99 |
<SeatSeg> |
P |
ST02 |
0 9801 |
<SeatAssignment> (The max number is really unrealistic, but that would be that max with 99 segments, 99 passengers per segment) |
Q |
BP19 |
0 255 |
<OSI> |
R |
BP20 |
0 255 |
<NonProgramaticSSR> |
R |
BP21 |
0 255 |
<ProgrammaticSSR> |
R |
BP22 |
0 255 |
<ProgrammaticSSRText> |
S |
BP23 |
0 1 |
<CustID> |
T |
BP24 |
0 1 |
<ProfileClientFileAssoc> |
U |
BP25 |
0 3 |
<CustomCheckRules> |
V |
BP26 |
0 255 |
<GenRmkInfo> |
W |
BP27 |
0 99 |
<VndRecLocs> (Galileo core only) |
X |
BP28 |
0 99 |
<VndRmk> (Galileo core only) |
Y |
0 99 |
<InvoiceRmk> (such as Canned Remarks) |
Z |
BP29 |
0 99 |
<QMinder> |
AA |
0 99 |
<InvoiceRmk> (such as Canned Remarks) |
BB |
BP37 |
0 99 |
<NameRelatedData> |
CC |
BP38 |
0 1 |
<OfficeAgentClientData> (Not available for external Distribution) |
DD |
BP40 |
0 99 |
<Email> |
EE |
BP41 |
0 1 |
<CorporateID> |
<EticketRetrieval> |
Ordering | KLR | Min/Max | XML Tag |
Required | DPHT | 11 | <ETicketNum> |
DPPI | 11 | <AssocPsgrs> | |
DPSS | 1many | <AirSegInfo> | |
GFFC | 1-1 |
<FareConstruction> |
GFPF | 1-1 |
<PsgrFacilityCharge> |
GFGQ | 1-1 | <GenQuoteDetails> | |
DPNM | 1-1 |
<PassengerInfo> |
DPOR | 1-1 |
<OriginationData> |
DPCM | 1-1 | <Commission> | |
DP33 | 0-1 |
<TourCode> |
DPP0 | 0-1 | <CreditCardFOP> | |
DPP1 | 0-1 | <CheckFOP> | |
DPP9 | 0-1 | <OtherFOP> | |
DPIF | 0-many |
<FreeText> |
DPP3 | 0-2 |
<ExchangeTicket> |
DPOB | 0-1 |
<OBFees> |
GFBD | 0-16 |
<BaggDispInfo> |
GFBF | 0-48 |
<BaggDispFQandFQBB> |
<EticketRetrieval> |
Ordering | KLR | Min/Max | XML Tag |
EROR | 01 | <ErrText> |
To use ETicketRetrieval_5, it is not necessarily required to have a session open. The host system Agent Assembly Area (AAA) must be associated with a Pseudo City Code (PCC) in order for the retrieval request to function properly. This implies that a session is based on the Galileo Terminal IDs (GTIDs) AAA Initialization Table (UAT) configuration. However:
Currently ETrackers master GTIDs UAT is configured such that the AAA is associated with a PCC. Therefore as currently configured, ETracker is not required to begin a session.