XML Host Application Errors

Host, or CRS/GDS, application errors occur either when the CRS successfully processes the request but the response data is mistranslated, or, when the CRS unsuccessfully processes a request for a specific area (fares, etc.).

XML Host Application Error

Exception handling should be provided for HostApplicationError and TransactionErrorCode. HostApplicationError can be returned in any XML Select transaction. HostApplicationError is returned when a successful response was received from the host, but this error occurs in the response data.

This error can be returned in any transaction, and it will always display as a child of the root node of the XML response.





Where ErrorCode is a number, and Text is free-form text.

Error Fault List

Error Fault List errors display when a request was unsuccessfully processed on the host (CRS) for a specific area (fares, availability, etc.). The error response can be returned in any transaction, and displays both a numeric code and associated text.






