gzip C#/.NET GZipHttpWebRequest.cs

The GZipHttpWebResponse.cs file does request processing. To see the GZipHttpWebRequest.cs file un-annotated, click here.


Reference the needed namespaces.

using System;

using System.Web;

using System.IO;

using System.Net;

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

using System.Xml;




// #ZipLib was developed by Mike Krueger, and is available under the GNU Public License at:



Specify the namespace for this class.

using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;


namespace Galileo.Web




/// <summary>


/// HttpWebRequest with gzip decompression


/// The source for this class is based on this article on dotnetjunkies.com:




/// </summary>




public class GZipHttpWebRequest : WebRequest



After compression, we delegate the remaining work to an instance of HttpWebRequest. Here we declare that variable.

private HttpWebRequest request;


Constructor. Create the HttpWebRequest object to which we will delegate all work after compressing the request data.

public GZipHttpWebRequest(Uri uri)


this.request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);




Override the default Get Request stream behavior.

public override Stream GetRequestStream()


If gzip is specified for the request...

if (request.Headers["Content-Encoding"]=="gzip")


...create a gzip compression stream that writes t the HttpWebRequest object and return it...

// Compress request stream with GZip

Stream compressedStream = new GZipOutputStream(request.GetRequestStream());

return compressedStream;

if not, gzipping the request, delegate to the HttpWebRequest Object.




return request.GetRequestStream();






Because we are delegating all the non-compression work to an encapsulated object, we need to override these properties and methods, and delegate the work to the HttpWebRequest object.

public bool KeepAlive { get { return request.KeepAlive; } set { request.KeepAlive = value; } }

public Version ProtocolVersion { get { return request.ProtocolVersion; } set { request.ProtocolVersion = value; } }


// encapsulated WebRequest methods and properties

public override void Abort()





public override IAsyncResult BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, object state)


return request.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, state);



public override IAsyncResult BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback callback, object state)


return request.BeginGetResponse(callback, state);




Override the default EndGetRequestStream behavior.

public override Stream EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult)



If gzip is specified for the request...  

if (request.Headers["Content-Encoding"]=="gzip")


...create a gzip compression stream that writes the HttpWebRequest object and return it...

// Compress request stream with GZip

Stream compressedStream = new GZipOutputStream(request.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult));

return compressedStream;

if not, gzipping the request, delegate to the HttpWebRequest Object.




return request.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult);






Because we are delegating all the non-compression work to an encapsulated object, we need to override these properties and methods, and delegate the work to the HttpWebRequest object.

public override WebResponse EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)


return request.EndGetResponse(asyncResult);



public override WebResponse GetResponse()


return request.GetResponse();



public override string ConnectionGroupName { get { return request.ConnectionGroupName; } set { request.ConnectionGroupName = value; } }

public override long ContentLength { get { return request.ContentLength; } set { request.ContentLength = value; } }

public override string ContentType { get { return request.ContentType; } set { request.ContentType = value; } }

public override ICredentials Credentials { get { return request.Credentials; } set { request.Credentials = value; } }

public override WebHeaderCollection Headers { get { return request.Headers; } set { request.Headers = value; } }

public override string Method { get { return request.Method; } set { request.Method = value; } }

public override bool PreAuthenticate { get { return request.PreAuthenticate; } set { request.PreAuthenticate = value; } }

public override IWebProxy Proxy { get { return request.Proxy; } set { request.Proxy = value; } }

public override Uri RequestUri { get { return request.RequestUri; } }

public override int Timeout { get { return request.Timeout; } set { request.Timeout = value; } }

