gzip C#/.NET GZipHttpWebResponse.cs

The GZipHttpWebResponse.cs file does response processing. To see the GZipHttpWebResponse.cs file un-annotated, click here.


Reference the needed namespaces.

using System;

using System.Web;

using System.IO;

using System.Net;

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

using System.Xml;




// #ZipLib was developed by Mike Krueger, and is available under the GNU Public License at:



Specify the namespace for this class.

using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;


namespace Galileo.Web




/// <summary>


/// HttpWebResponse with gzip decompression


/// The source for this class is based on this article on dotnetjunkies.com:




/// </summary>



Constructor. Take what we need from the response parameter, decompressing the response stream if it is compressed.

public class GZipHttpWebResponse : WebResponse



Declare member variables.

private Stream m_decompressedStream;

private string _contentType;

private long _contentLength;

private string _contentEncoding;

private Uri _responseUri;

private WebHeaderCollection _httpResponseHeaders;




///// <summary>


///// default constructor from WebResponse


///// </summary>


///// <param name="serializationInfo"></param>


///// <param name="streamingContext"></param>


//protected GZipHttpWebResponse(


//SerializationInfo serializationInfo,


//StreamingContext streamingContext


//) : base (serializationInfo, streamingContext)







Override base class behavior to use our member variables for these properties.

public override long ContentLength




_contentLength = value;





return _contentLength;





public override string ContentType




_contentType = value;





return _contentType;




public override WebHeaderCollection Headers




return _httpResponseHeaders;




public string ContentEncoding




_contentEncoding = value;;





return _contentEncoding;






public GZipHttpWebResponse(HttpWebResponse response)







Initialize our members variables from the HttpWebResponse object.

_contentType = response.ContentType;

_contentLength = response.ContentLength;

_contentEncoding = response.ContentEncoding;

_responseUri = response.ResponseUri;

_httpResponseHeaders = response.Headers;

If the response is compressed, then decompress it into a memory stream.

if (_contentEncoding=="gzip")


// Decompress response stream with GZip

const int BUF_SIZE = 16384;

Stream compressedStream = new GZipInputStream(response.GetResponseStream(), BUF_SIZE);

m_decompressedStream = new MemoryStream();


byte[] writeData = new byte[BUF_SIZE];

int size = compressedStream.Read(writeData, 0, BUF_SIZE);

while (size > 0)


m_decompressedStream.Write(writeData, 0, size);

size = compressedStream.Read(writeData, 0, BUF_SIZE);


m_decompressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

_contentEncoding = "";


_contentLength = m_decompressedStream.Length;

// We have decompressed the entire response, so we no longer need the compressed version.



If the response is not compressed, just...



...return the response stream from the HttpWebResponse object.

m_decompressedStream = response.GetResponseStream();




If an exception occurs, clean up the resources we are using and re-throw the exception.



// We got an exception processing the response. Clean up.










Make sure to close the decompressed stream when the object is deleted.







Return the stream referenced by our local member variable.

public override Stream GetResponseStream()


return m_decompressedStream;






public override void Close()



If our member variable is pointing to a stream, close it.

if(m_decompressedStream != null)



m_decompressedStream = null;





Override base class behavior to use our member variables for these properties.

public override Uri ResponseUri { get { return _responseUri; } }



