This sample of SubmitXmlOnSession takes a session token, an XML request, and a filter. Sessions are needed when creating a PNR. Some of the XML transactions that require a session are AgencyPNRBFBuildModify_6_0_1, ClientFile_1_0, FareQuoteTariffDisplay_8_0 with a following rules display, and any transaction that begins with Session.
Note: Currently, only uppercase is supported within the transaction requests. When lowercase is supported, the documentation will be updated to reflect where it is supported.
<SubmitXmlOnSession xmlns=""> <Token>Tyv8NKo+WiAuqQVR3H09+7QBvWWvgwIAXg4IFYGpVnZD09c4l9VXnQ/VDkxJ4oxnIyt5D/+nLzcwi/GRLSy+n646anneL1zCVOvXxN8nDiE=</Token>
<Vnd>UA </Vnd>
<Class>Y </Class>
<![CDATA[ ]]>
<_ xmlns=""/>
<SubmitXmlOnSessionResponse xmlns="">
<AirSegmentSell_6_0 xmlns="">
<DisplaySequenceNumber />
<OpSuf />
<StartDt />
<DtChg />
<StartTm />
<EndTm />
<NumPsgrs />
<SellType />
<SellValidityPeriod />
<MarriageNum />
<COG />
<TklessInd />
<FareQuoteTkIgnInd />
<StopoverInd />
<AvailyBypassInd />
<Err />
<KlrInErr />