Response - Confirmation Number

The following is a sample of an Itinerary eBL response using a confirmation number. You can download the XSD files, which define the way in which the request should be structured.



Indicates the namespace used.

<ItineraryResponse xmlns="">




<RetrieveTrip_RS Version="1.0.200302242318" xmlns="">

Begins the description of the results of the request.


Begins the description of the passenger.


Lists the passenger's first and last name. The number is the passenger's location in the PNR.


   <Passenger FirstName="John" Number="1" Surname="Doe"/>


SSRs (Special Service Request) are messages sent directly to the vendor to communicate traveler preferences or requirements


    <TicketInformation FareGuaranteeCode="O" TicketingStatus="U"/>

Primary passenger's contact information. The telephone number attribute can have formatting characters (e.g., hyphens or periods).

The <PhoneLocationType> attribute indicates the type of telephone number it is.

A - Agency
- Business
- Residence
- Fax
- Cellular

The <CityAbbr> attribute is a reference only field for the travel agents. There is no cross validation with the phone area code. It only indicates the city where the telephone number is located.


   <Telephone CityAbbr="DEN" PhoneLocationType="R"
PhoneNumber="303-7910000-JOHN DOE"/>

   <Telephone CityAbbr="DEN" PhoneLocationType="B"

   <Telephone CityAbbr="" PhoneLocationType="C"


The primary passenger's address and is a required field.

<DeliveryAddress> indicates the address where the itinerary information is sent. This field is also required, even if it is the same as the primary address.


   <Address>John Doe¤555 1st Street¤Denver COLORADO Z/80206

   <DeliveryAddress>John Doe¤ABC TESTING AVENUE¤ENGLEWOOD CO Z/80111</DeliveryAddress>


Lists all Other Service Information for the PNR.




   <OSIMsg>PCTC/ 1/ JANEDOE/US0013037910000SON-1DOE/


The Customer ID field (C-), or Customer Data field (Apollo only). This ensures travel agents do not have to review the terminal window to verify this data.




Ends the description of the passenger.


General PNR information, indicating:

Travel Agent IATA number, agent duty code, and sign on

PNR creation date

Location where the booking was created.

Original Booking location

SATO number of the original booking location

Customer ID

Existing ETicket

Prepaid Ticket Advance (PTA)

If the PNR is currently being viewed by other agent(s).

If the PNR has been end transacted by another agent while being viewed by this agent.

If this is a borrowed or global PNR.

<GeneralInformation BorrowedIndicator="N"


   CreatingAgentDutyCode="AG" CreatingAgentSignOn="C003040"


   CurrentAgencyPseudoCode="J0B" CurrentAgentSONID="4QA0"




   FareDataExistsIndicator="Y" GlobalIndicator="N"

   IMUdataExists="Y" InUseIndicator="N"



   OwningAgencyPseudoCode="J0B" PNRBFTicketedIndicator="N"

   PTAIndicator="N" PastDateQuickIndicator="N"

   QueueIndicator="N" ReadOnlyIndicator="N"

   RecordLocator="WJ406G" SATONumber=""



   TravelInsuranceIndicator="N" Version="1">

General PNR Remarks. The remark numbers do not necessarily mean anything, other than labeling the remark.


     <Remark Number="1">TITLE: VP PRODUCTS</Remark>

     <Remark Number="2">CC CARS AND HOTELS NN GTE</Remark>

     <Remark Number="3">./NA</Remark>

     <Remark Number="4">CAR 1-AL ID375000 FF PREF</Remark>

     <Remark Number="5">CAR 2-ZI IDD002805 FF PREF</Remark>

     <Remark Number="6">CAR 3-ZD IDV166405 FF PREF</Remark>

     <Remark Number="7">HOTEL SI- NONSMOKING ROOM</Remark>

     <Remark Number="8">BAR LEVEL REMARK</Remark>

     <Remark Number="9">VERIFY FQTV NBR</Remark>


General Invoice Remarks

3000 = Free text

3001 = DYO = Design your own (1V/1G)

3002 = FS- = Fare save (1G)

= DS = Dollar save(1V)

3003 = CR- = Canned remark nos.(1V/1G)

3004 = PF- = PTA fee amount (1V)

3005 = NP- = Waived PTA fee amount (1V)

3006 = TK- = Manual ticket numbers (1V/1G)

3007 = CA- = Location,customer & selling agent (1V) 3008 = CA- = Back office branch & account number (1G)

3009 = AC- = Account number (1G) - same as SA on 1V

3010 = FT- = Free text (1G)

3011 = DEF = In foreign currency (DEFXX on 1V)

3012 = PT- = PTA number (1V)

3013 = SF- = Service fee (1V)

3014 = SA- = Customer number SA Account (1V)

3015 = SD- = Customer number (1V)

3016 = CD- = Customer number (1V)

3017 = G*RC/ = Routing code (1V - Canada only)

3018 = FA- = Faring Agent remark

3019 = PH- = Phone Field Override Remark


     <Remark Keyword="3000" Number="1">*RITRIPB</Remark>

     <Remark Keyword="3007" Number="2">01@123</Remark>

     <Remark Keyword="3003" Number="3">1@3</Remark>



Fare information displays if the request had AdditionalFareInfo=1. A <Fare> displays for each unique fare that is in the itinerary. Within each <Fare> the passengers to which that fare applies are listed.



    <Fare BaseFare="455.83" BaseFareCurrency="USD" Number="1" TotalFare="498.79" TotalFareCurrency="USD">


        <Tax Amount="42.96" Code="ZP"/>



        <Passenger FirstName="JOHN" PICCode="" SurName="DOE"/>



        <Segment Number="1"/>





Begins the description of the flight segment of the itinerary.


  <FlightItem SegmentNumber="1">

Lists all the information pertaining to the flight. This can include all or some of the following:

  • Arrival date and time

  • Departure date and time

  • Flight number

  • Arrival airport

  • Departure airport

  • Airline

  • Operated By Airlines

  • Seating assignment

  • Total flying time for each leg

  • Total ground time for each leg

  • Total flying time for this flight

  • Total ground time for this flight

  • Total journey time

    <FlightDetails ArrivalDateTime="2003-09-04T08:45:00-00:00" ChangeOfGuage="N"   DepartureDateTime="2003-09-04T07:00:00-00:00"    FlightFlown="N" FlightNumber="1679"     MarriageNumber="" OperationalSuffix="" SellType="L" StopOverIgnore="" TicketlessIndicator="Y">


      <DepartureAirport LocationCode="ATL"/>

      <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MIA"/>



          <Booked NumSeats="1" ResBookDesigCode="Y" Status="HK"/>






      <FlightData DepartureDate="2003-09-04" FlightNumber="1679" NumberOfLegs="1" OperationalSuffix="" Status="0">



      <InFlightLegData ArrivalTerminal="" DepartureTerminal="N" ElectronicTicketIndicator="Y" JourneyTime="01:47:00-00:00" Leg="1" Meals="">

        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="ATL"/>

        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MIA"/>

        <Equipment AirEquipType="M80"/>


      <InFlightService Leg="1">

        <Service ServiceCode="10"/>

        <Service ServiceCode="09"/>




      <Seat Number="09D" Passenger="Doe/John" Status="HK"/>









Supplier Confirmation




     MarketingAirline="UA" RecordLocator="WJ406G"/>



Begins the description of the car segment of the itinerary.


  <CarItem SegmentNumber="2">

Lists all the information pertaining to a car reservation. This can include all or some of the following:

  • Confirmation number

  • Pick-up date and time

  • Drop-off date and time

  • Rate Amount

  • Vendor

  • Arrival airport

  • Departure airport

  • Pick-up Location

    <CarDetails CarType="ICAR" ConfirmationNumber="L1042496" Currency="USD" DropOffDateTime="2003-09-10T09:30:00-00:00" ExtraDayMileageAllowance="" ExtraDayMileageRateAmount="0" ExtraDayRateAmount="0" ExtraHourMileageAllowance="" ExtraHourMileageRateAmount="0" ExtraHourRateAmount="0" FlightNumber="" Guarantee="G" LocationCategory="C" LocationNumber="0" MileageAllowance="" MileageRateAmount="0" MilesOrKilometers="" NumberOfCars="1" PickUpDateTime="2003-09-04T09:30:00-00:00" RateAmount="39.99" RateCategory="" RateCode="" RateType="D" Status="HK" YieldMgmt="">

      <Vendor CompanyShortName="ZL"/>


      <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MIA"/>

      <ActualPickupPoint LocationCode="MIA"/>


Describes any additional details pertaining to the car rental.

    <AdditionalCarDetails LocationAddress="" LocationPhoneNumber=""/>

Ends the description of the car segment of the itinerary.



Begins the description of the hotel segment of the itinerary.


  <HotelItem SegmentNumber="3">

Lists all the information pertaining to a hotel reservation. This can include all or some of the following:

  • Check-in date and time

  • Check-out date and time

  • Currency

  • Nights

  • Number of rooms

  • Rate

 ConfirmationNumber="" Currency="USD"
 MultiDayRateIndicator="N" MultiLevelRateCode=""
 Name="DTREE CLUB MIAMI AP" Nights="6"
 NumberOfAdults="1" NumberOfRooms="1"
 PrimaryCityCode="MIA" PropNum="82949"
 RateAmount="149.00" RateChangIndicator="N"
 RateCode="ROMRACK" RateTypeSold="RT" Status="HK">
 <Vendor CompanyShortName="DT"/>

Describes any additional details pertaining to the hotel rental.



        <AddressLine>1101 NORTHWEST 57TH AVENU</AddressLine>

        <AddressLine>MIAMI FL 33126</AddressLine>

        <AddressLine>UNITED STATES</AddressLine>


      <Telephone>305 266-0000</Telephone>

      <Fax>305 266-9179</Fax>


Ends the description of the hotel segment of the itinerary.



Begins the description of the passive segments of the itinerary.


Details any extra segments booked with the vendor that are associated with the passenger's itinerary. These can include tours, tickets, etc.

  <PassiveSegment EndDate="0000-00-00" SegmentNumber="5" StartDate="2003-11-04" Status="BK" Type="TUR">

    <PassiveSegmentDetails  EndLocation="" Nights="" NumberOfAdults="1" SellType=""

    <Vendor CompanyShortName="ZZ"/>



Ends the description of the passive segments of the itinerary.


Details all the information that was encoded in the request and what the values are when decoded by Travel Codes Translator eBL.

<Decode Version="1.0.200302242318" xmlns="">

  <Airport CityCode="ATL" CityName="Atlanta" Code="ATL" CountryCode="US" StateProvinceCode="GA">Hartsfield Intl Arpt</Airport>

  <Airport AirportType="2" CityCode="MIA" CityName="Miami" Code="MIA" CountryCode="US" StateProvinceCode="FL">Miami Intl</Airport>


  <SegmentStatus Code="HK">Confirmed</SegmentStatus>

  <Airline Code="AA">American</Airline>

  <MealService Code=""/>

  <AircraftType Code="M80">Douglas MD-80</AircraftType>

  <InFlightService Code="10">Short feature video</InFlightService>

  <CarType Code="ICAR"/>

  <CarLocation Code="C">City location</CarLocation>

  <CarRateCategory Code=""/>

  <CarVendor Code="ZL">National</CarVendor>

  <HotelRate Code="RT"/>

  <HotelChain Code="DT">Doubletree</HotelChain>


Details any requested segments that were not a part of the primary passenger's itinerary.


  <Text>Requested W3 Segment Info, but the PNR did not contain any W3 Segments</Text>


Ends the description of the results of the request.


Ends the response.




You can convert the response to a Flight Information eBL request.