Sample Scenarios

The GWS Web Service sample calls can offer concurrent methods for performing similar functions. These following scenarios offer examples of common uses of the GWS services and transactions; available business processes are not limited to these scenarios. Please note that the numbering system for the samples is arbitrary, and used for reference only. Please read the Disclaimer about the materials and samples presented in this help system.

Flight Booking Scenario

Get air availability and book a flight.

Sample 1  (Required)
Request a general air availability using the XML Select Web Service.

Sample 2  (Removed)
Reserve the selected air availability responses. Sample removed from help system.

Sample 3  (Optional)
Use the air availability results from Sample 1 to make a Flight Information eBL call.

Sample 4  (Recommended)
Decode air vendor codes from the air availability response in Sample 1.

: Travel Codes Translator eBL is also invoked within other GWS calls to encode or decode data within that call.

Sample 6  (Removed)
Retrieve complete trip itineraries, and alternatives, with prices for air, car, and hotel selections in one call to the CRS.

Sample 7  (Removed)
Cancel the reservation that was booked in Sample 2.