How Itinerary eBL Works

Itinerary eBL receives a traveler's confirmation number (record locator) or name from the client, in the form of an XML document. The request is initially validated against the request schema and then each result is sent to the appropriate host system to request the itinerary for the traveler. A response is decoded and assembled into a response XML document which is returned to the client. The response contains the itinerary for a specific traveler or a list of travelers with similar names. If an error occurs for any request, an error message replaces the itinerary information in the response.

Itinerary eBL Request

To view an itinerary, send a confirmation number or a name to the Itinerary eBL. If only one name match is found, the itinerary displays. If multiple names match, a list of names is returned. Select the correct traveler and enter the confirmation number is entered into another request.

An Itinerary eBL request includes one or all of the following:

For each requested segment that does not exist in the traveler's itinerary, a warning is returned. For more information on warnings, see Error and Warnings.

Itinerary eBL Response

The response for Itinerary eBL is an XML document that lists a specific traveler's itinerary or a list of names with confirmation numbers that match the requested name.

Once the itinerary is found, the requested segments are processed.  For each air segment, a flight service request is made to the host to retrieve the following:

See the Sample Response for further details on the items retrieved.

For each hotel segment, a hotel description request is made to retrieve the following:

For each car segment, a car description request is made to retrieve the following:

Fare information displays if it was requested. Also, if Non-Host (W3) segments have been requested then the itinerary information is sent to the W3 Segment Web Service to return any associated W3 Segments. Once all of the requested information has been retrieved, these items are packaged together and sent back to the client in the common XML format.

An Itinerary eBL request by traveler name with multiple name matches returns a slightly different response. In this case, a similar names list is returned that includes the following:

It is then up to the requester to select the correct traveler from the list and submit a new request using the associated confirmation number.


Itinerary eBL utilizes the Travel Codes Translator eBL web service to perform all necessary encoding and decoding. If Itinerary eBL has requested the items be decoded, then all of the encoded items in the itinerary are packaged up and sent the Travel Codes Translator eBL web service to be decoded. For more information, see the Travel Codes Translator eBL web service.