Travel Codes Translator eBL encodes (i.e., takes the human-readable name and translates into a CRS code) the airport, city, and metropolitan area categories.
Travel Codes Translator eBL decodes (i.e., takes the CRS code and translates into the human-readable name) the following: Air Categories, Car Categories, Hotel Categories, and Miscellaneous Categories (such as cities, airports, and passenger types). These categories can be used in a Decode or Get All By Category request.
See Decode for a list of recent changes to the available translation categories.
Category names and attributes (such as Match and Code) are case sensitive.
AircraftType |
Cuisine |
Airline |
InFlightService (e.g., movie) |
AirlineSeatingClass |
MealService |
Airport |
PassengerServiceRequest |
CabinClass |
SeatingPreference |
CarAdditionalEquipment |
CarRateType |
CarLocation |
CarType |
CarRateCategory |
CarVendor |
HotelChain |
HotelRate |
HotelFacilities |
HotelRoomType |
HotelLocation |
HotelType |
City |
MetropolitanArea |
CityAirport |
PassengerTitle |
StateProvince |
PassengerType |
Country |
SegmentStatus |
CreditCardIssuer |